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In 1971, the Asian Caucus was established, among other caucuses, to bring representation and assurance that the voices of Asian American would be heard in the larger body of the American Baptist Churches, USA. Today, we look to what we can accomplish for the Gospel of Jesus Christ together. The Asian Alliance will continue to fulfill the advocacy functions of the Asian American Baptist Caucus. In addition, it will set ministry priorities to strengthen the effectiveness of local churches, select and support specific American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) mission projects, plan programs to meet the needs of local churches, will seek to partner with emerging Asian Baptist groups such as the Karen Baptist Churches in USA and the Chin Baptist Churches USA, as well as other ABCUSA bodies for cooperative ministries, and take other actions as appropriate.


The Asian Alliance seeks to serve Asian and Asian American ABCUSA churches and individuals, partnering where God leads for the furthering of the Kingdom.


Click here to access the AAABC bylaws, approved by the Constituency in October 2021.

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